
At Vegas Valley Pet Hospital, we uphold a steadfast commitment to excellence in veterinary surgery, encompassing a spectrum of services ranging from routine procedures like spaying and neutering to specialized surgeries addressing orthopedic and soft tissue concerns. Our highly adept surgical team places the utmost emphasis on safety, effective pain management, and the integration of the latest surgical practices to ensure the optimal well-being of your four-legged companion.
Our surgical offerings extend beyond routine procedures to include specialized interventions such as orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries.
Our Surgical Services:
- Spaying and neutering
- Eliminating bladder stones
- Tumor excisions
- Retrieving foreign objects
- Soft Tissues Surgeries
- Orthopedic Surgeries
- And many more!
Throughout the entire surgical process, from incision to recovery, our vigilant team closely monitors your cat's well-being. Clear communication is integral, and we address any concerns you may have with transparency and empathy. Post-surgery, we provide detailed and clear instructions for at-home care, empowering you to play an active role in your pet’s recovery. Our commitment to your pet's well-being extends beyond the operating room, and we are always available to assist during the crucial recovery period.